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First Aid

Whilst having a registered First Aider in the workplace isn’t a legal requirement, it’s recommended. Ask yourself honestly - would you know exactly what to do if someone was suffering from a heart attack, how to recognise when someone is suffering from shock (even this can be fatal) or how to treat bleeding? Just as you have business insurance, life cover or motor insurance, having at least one person trained in First Aid gives you and everyone around you in the workplace a level of ‘insurance’ - you know that if there was an accident that there is someone who is proficient in taking the right steps to make sure the person concerned has help at hand rather than being at the mercy of the wait time of an ambulance. You never know, it could just save a life...maybe even yours. 


What we can offer

Finding a course that covers all the main areas of first aid was imperative, and we’re pleased to say that we found one that does this whilst not requiring any travel - it can be done online. 


The key points that it covers are:

  • Understanding the role of a first aider.

  • How to assess an incident

  • Being able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty - when and how to perform CPR

  • How to provide first aid to a casualty who is choking

  • The steps to take in providing first aid to a casualty who is bleeding

  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who is in shock

  • Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with minor injuries

Click Below to learn more

Couriers Depot and Virtual College
Couriers Depot and Virtual College – Your Training Needs Covered!

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