Couriersdepot.com is proud to have partnered with Taveo Insurance Brokers formerly known as Hubb, and is the fastest growing insurance company in the UK. It’s also an insurance broking house with a difference - they’ve turned insurance on its head by using AI to accelerate finding the right policy for your business, meaning you get your fleet covered quicker (and you can get on with running it..).

Taveo works closely with the most exclusive insurance houses in The City and the UK’s largest insurance premium finance company. These relationships, coupled with their radical approach to re-modelling the insurance broking industry, means that they’re able to save their customers money on several fronts.
Result? Taveo could reduce your premium renewal by between 20 & 30%…
That’s all well and good, but just what makes Taveo SO Different?
AI-Optimized Pricing: Nails down the price of your premium, you get the ‘hands down’ best deal on the market, period.
Taveo's Core Principles (in their own words)

Information is sent securely and confidentially
Or visit our dedicated site insurancedepot.co.uk for more in depth information on insurance
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But what is this radical approach?
Well, they’ve introduced what they call ‘radical transparency’. Transparency in the e-mail trail of a policies process, from enquiry to inception and delivering, all trackable, traceable, and communicable. Think of it as tracking the progress of your policies delivery, just as your customers track their parcels delivery.
Human Touch: Whilst AI has been implemented to sharpen down your premium to the lowest price point, Taveo's seasoned insurance specialists identify what policy will best suit your business’ specific requirements.
Click contact below, fill out the form and one of the team will get back to and walk you through the process - and start your journey to potentially huge savings…