We know the deal, it’s the worst season to do the job - winter (and yes, when it was the summer of last year, it was way too hot, there’s just no pleasing us...). Ironies aside, delivering in the cold is no fun, icy roads, slippery driveways, frozen earth and of course - trying to stay warm. Unless of course, you have a secret weapon against the chills of working in such conditions - the PROsmart heated vest. You could even say that it’s a game changer as it gives you the ability to ensure that you have warmth being generated to your body, keeping your core warm and yet you’re regulate the level of warmth that it generates.
The vest works by using heating elements embedded in the material on the back - these are heated by the detachable battery to generate warmth and depending on the level of heat you opt for; it can keep you warm for up to 10 hours! Of course, this will be on the lower setting, but by doubling this up with having a spare battery fully charged in the glovebox (the batteries cost just £20 and can be used for topping up your phone as well), you can keep yourself toasty all the way through the day should you wish to have it on a higher setting for longer. Everyone is different, but it’s worth the consideration. There is the option of this same product but with four heating elements - two on the front, one on the back and a heated collar. Now, depending on how much you feel the cold you can choose between the two, but they function in the same way.
Flexible and Practical
One of the great things about the PROsmart heated vest is that it’s lightweight, and being sleeveless, it means that you keep your core warm whilst allowing the all-important flexibility of movement when sorting and carrying parcels. Of course, if you do want sleeves, there’s the option to have them on the same page.
For easy cleaning, the PROsmart heated vest can be machine washed - just remember to detach the battery before putting it in the washing machine...
A Choice of 3 Heat Levels
It couldn’t be simpler - on the left breast side of the vest is a little squeezable button from which you adjust the temperature setting - it even changes colour depending on the level of heat you request. With a heating range of 40 through to 60 degrees, you can adjust the level of heat up and down as the conditions change. For practical purposes, the battery will last these times for each setting - 40 degrees for up to 4 hours, 50 degrees for up to 7 hours and 60 degrees for up to 10 hours (these times are the same for both the two and four-part heated vests, to allay any concerns). Being able to crank it up to the highest setting is a great plus - we all know how the chill can really set in once that sun goes down... which is when you’ll be patting yourself on your now warm back for having bought it!
Handy Features
It’s all very well knowing that your torso is warm, but the neck area is particularly susceptible to the cold, which is why the fleecy collar is such a nice feature to have - any bitter wind will not be felt with the PROsmart heated vests cozy collar zipped up! Alternatively, you can opt for a vest within PROsmarts range that has a heated collar. Like we say, it’s all down to personal choice.
Taking care of your device’s storage is taken care of via a chest pocket, with pockets at hip level either side, with everything you need close to hand.
For the Electric Van Driver - this is a game changer...
We recently got chatting to a courier who drives an electric van to do the rounds in - they’re increasing in popularity make no mistake with the big firms ordering them in big numbers, most notably Amazon. When mentioning the cold and staying warm whilst driving, we asked if the heater was any good given the fact that there’s no engine generating heat, and how quickly the cab got warm. We were startled to hear that they daren’t put the heater on as it reduced their range by TWENTY MILES!!!
So, to all those electric van drivers out there who are shivering in unheated cabs, this will be just the piece of kit you need!
So - what can we say in summery? The elements can be pretty unforgiving, especially if working in particularly cold regions. With its versatility in being machine washable, variable heat provision and lightweight construction, this is the best heated vest out there available - and like many of our product listings, it comes with a warranty - in this case 1 Year. Yes it is an investment, but what is the main thought that comes to mind when stepping outside to go to work when its bitterly cold, scraping the ice off the windscreen...? With this, there’s no thought of ‘I hope I can stay warm’, but more ‘I’m prepped for this, I’m gonna be just fine!’