Innovative and stress-busting, Post Tag have developed the ultimate solution to the age old problem of finding precisely the right door. Through their R&D, Post Tag found that the average sat nav system will direct a driver the equivalent of over a football pitches length away from the actual address that has been entered.

Imagine what that adds up to in wasted fuel and carbon emissions, time between deliveries, vehicle wear and tear, and the impact on ETA’s?
With Post Tag installed your KPI’s will improve, your drivers will be less stressed and your efficiencies across the board will improve exponentially.
No longer will you or your drivers waste precious delivery miles, fuel and time trying to find the right location - it will appear on your screen with pinpoint accuracy. Your drivers will literally be at the right place, at the right time!
We interviewed PostTag's founder, Keith Lewin, at 8Club in London to learn more about its origins and how the technology works, video below.
‘PostTag’s precision location technology is essential for couriers which is why we couldn't be more excited to partner with Did you know the average UK address location is inaccurately pinned and it can be up to two football pitches away from the front door! PostTag bridges that gap by guiding you precisely to the right doorstep, first time. Already trusted by major industry players like Evri, Dominos and Addison Lee for enhanced efficiency, we make every delivery mile count. In fact, we helped save 64 million miles in 2022 and we hope with our partnership with we can make that number even higher.’
This is what Evri had to say - “They’ve removed the frustration out of finding the right front door quickly”
With a series of packages aimed at different sized entities, from the solo user to the larger enterprise, Post Tag has a solution for your business.
So scroll through our page, check out the video and see how having PostTag as part of your companies operation could set you on course for becoming a precision driven delivery company!